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Good help is so hard to find these days... Spielberg's latest film is a historical courtroom drama. Back in 1839, a group of West Africans on their way to slavery in America, managed to revolt and seize control of the ship (La Amistad). However, instead of going back to Africa, the remaining sailors took them to America, where they were arrested for murder and piracy.

The film then becomes a courtroom drama which examines the complex moral issues surrounding the case. This produces some long speeches condemning slavery. The performances have generally been praised, although the film is unlikely to appeal to Spielberg's usual target market.

152 minutes ").

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments
Robert Haynes: PC bore !!!

Bruce Humphrey: Brilliant but a bit too long. Don't see this movie if you are still a racist!

Zuhaizie Kadir: I've yet to see a movie that focuses on the Africans' experiences itself.

Richard Hill: Not very good.

Ron Clan: It was not only riveting, but also an eye opener.

Yong Shin: The movie taught me about what Africans went through just to survive.

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