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Wag the Dog

You need sincerity, even if you have to fake it. A satire-cum-farce which did OK at the US box office in spite of so-so reviews. Eleven days before a presidential election, the president blows it by getting up to michief with an underaged girl. Desperate to keep the story out of the press, his team decide to create a diversionary news story, about a ficticious war (us verses them) in the Balkans. However, as the truth about the fake war comes closer to being revealed, the team are driven to ever more desperate measures to maintain the charade.

95 minutes, No persons under 13 (Language).

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments
Bruce Humphrey: The makers of this movie must be rubbing their hands with glee that Pres Clinton's sexcapades are just like the one in this movie. So let us start a fake war to change Joe Public's perception of the president (the elections are only days away). Great acting from Dustin Hoffman, Robert de Niro and Anne Heche. Very well done movie!

Robert Haynes: Fun but nothing earth shattering here. CLEVER would be a perfect way to sum up this very entertaining IN-JOKE. But don't read more into it than need be. Judging by the critics above this film is a classic of sorts - which is isn't - be warned though it is for reasonably intellectual audiences and not for any Tom, Dick or Sally.

Laetitia Loubser: The success of the movie was the fact that it was released in the USA the same week that the Clinton-Monica bomb was dropped. So it did not seem like an aftermath - rather "we new beforehand". An excelent piece of socio-political satire. It has a thought-provoking message about the relationship between politics, mass market entertainment and the people of USA. I think the joke is on the people....

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