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In God's Hands

Where have all the damn waves gone? The general consensus is that if you like surfing, you will like this movie (and vice versa).

Three thrill-seeking adventurers, best friends and world-class surfers who are committed to each other and to following their instincts as they follow the waves, set out on a journey that will take them to the depths of the ocean and the depths of their souls. A roller coaster action tour of the globe's most exotic and dangerous ,surf spots, In God's Hands chronicles the path of these wanderers as they search for waves, beauty. excitement and the essence of life above and below the surface. Along the way, they will form the kind of bond that only those who have faced joy, death and delirium together can.

92 minutes, All ages.
Action, Drama.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments
Fiona MacKinnon: Absolute Rubbish. A real waste of time.

Nalu Mele Batdorff: It was excellent. The reason one might not like this as much as I did would be because it is a movie made for surfers or for those who have an appreciation for the sport of surfing.

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