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Practical Magic

What? me a witch? Two sisters who come from a long line of witches find their romantic lives foiled by an ancestor who, in an attempt to shield herself from the pain of love, inadvertently cursed herself and her descendants. As a result, one invents a dream man who couldn't possibly exist in order to avoid falling in love, while the other has dalliances with numerous men without forming any attachments. Till something goes wrong...

103 minutes, No persons under 10.
Drama, Romance.

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments
Juliet Newton: A great movie for the flagging feminist: true woman-power saves the day instead of pseudo-male stuff. Great!!

Lauren Neale: Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Karen Hodgman: If you plan a relaxing evening, don't bother to see this movie. It's really disturbing, from any point of view. The people don't have a clue what they are messing with.

Melissa Pillay: the best!

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