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How big did he say his was? A complex and controversial movie for the art circuit, which I found confusing at times because of the large ensemble cast which has no single star. The film revolves around the lives -- and sex lives -- of three sisters, and the other people in their lives. All the characters in the film have sexual hangups or problems of one sort or the other, and these are explored. The most shocking theme is no doubt the respected family man who is into little boys. Not for sensitive viewers. The film is billed as a black comedy but there are few laughs, unless you are really sick.

134 minutes, No persons under 18.
Comedy, Drama, On the Art Circuit.

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Brandy Finney: Wonderful, magnificent, so very true to everyday life! (no, I'm not crazy)!

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