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Central Station

You need to iron out those creases on yur face! A woman who makes a living by writing letters to illiterate people, meets a little boy, while transcribing a letter for his mother to his father, at a Rio metro station. When his mother is accidentally killed in the streets of Rio he becomes homeless and the letter writer is the only connection he has with his father. They go about looking for the little boy's father, and in the end they find something far greater than what they were looking for.
Central Station focuses on a redemptive friendship between an old woman and a young boy and features a hope-inspiring quest for family identity and religious salvation in the countryside.

113 minutes, All ages.

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Morgan Commins: This movie should have stayed a short story. It reminded me greatly of one of the Russian short story authors. The actual story did not justify such a long-winded move. While the emotions were strong and the acting realistic, I found myself looking at the surrounding countryside most of the time wishing the movie would make some sort of conclusion!

Heather Smith: Excellent Movie! This is the first foreign film I've ever seen, and this movie has really got me interested into viewing others. The acting is astounding as well as the emotions. I highly recommend this movie to anyone.

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