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The Winslow Boy

I really am as innocent as I look. Set in 1910 the story is based on a real life-life incident about a naval cadet who was accused of stealing a five shilling postal order.
Convinced of their boy's innocence the Winslow family persuade a lawyer to take on the defence. As the drawn out case proceeds, it challenges accepted legal notions and creates a national furore, exacting a heavy price on the family.

104 minutes, All ages.

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Ian Douglas: Although the film is about a court case, there are no courtroom scenes. It is instead a family drama, with a great portrayal of genteel English society at the turn of the century. The film is well made and acted, but never gets terribly exciting. The stage origins come through in the settings, which are somewhat claustrophobic. It will appeal to mature audiences.

Samantha Hillary: I loved this movie. It was very true to the period, and had a great ensemble cast, who really proved their merit.

John Parkinson: What I liked about this movie, aside from the fine acting and directing, was that it was actually about something ... the defense of a principle .

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Entrapment 200 Cigarettes At First Sight Claire Dolan

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