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Men With Guns

So what if I'm a woman, I also have a gun! A doctor who is nearing retirement has not heard from his students so he decides to visit them, unaware of the political situations and the danger into which he has sent his students. Instead of his students, he finds poverty and death. People are being murdered by 'men with guns'.

127 minutes, No persons under 10 (Violence).

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Ian Douglas: Basically a 'road movie' which tries to expose the typical situations in central and southern America, where the Indians are being pushed out, terrorised and slaughtered, by both the armies and guerrillas. As a political movie, it could have done better. It is also a damming condemnation of mankinds' lack of morality.

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