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The Cider House Rules

Gee, this is the first time that I've actually WATCHED the movie here... Set in America towards the end of World War II, we follow the fortunes of an orphan who failed to get adopted and was brought up in an orphanage, where he learnt to become expert at delivering babies and giving abortions, under the guidance of the house doctor. As a young man, he feels the need to spread his wings, and when an opportunity arises, he jumps at it, ending up working as an apple picker and lobster fisherman. He develops a relationship with a young woman, while her boyfriend is taking part in the war. Meanwhile, the doctor, who thought of him as his son, is doing everything possible to persuade him to return to the orphanage to take over as doctor.

128 minutes, No persons under 10.
Drama, Romance, On the Art Circuit.

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Dion Scher (26): If you enjoyed movies like Goodwill Hunting, you'll love this. Left with a nice warm fuzzy feeling at the end.

Bouke van't Riet (28): Extremely good movie. Interesting from the beginning till the end. Sometimes we have to play with the rules of life.

Clayton Petersen (28): This movie examines life's little choices and their influence upon those who make them and those who are affected by them. A warm movie with a lot of heart.

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