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The Legend of 1900

Jelly on a roll... Mmmmmm... A look at the birth, life and death of a man who officially never existed. Found as a baby aboard a cruise liner, the little boy is raised on the ship, where he turns out to be a musical genius. In adult life he is the ship's pianist, where talk of his skill extends to the continents, so much so that the inventor of Jazz feels compelled to challenge him to a piano duel. Our hero never once left the ship, feeling unable to cope with all the choices that life in a city would give him. As a slice-of-life movie, there is not much to the storyline, but some really great music...
Note: the film is in colour, best pic I could find was B+W.

125 minutes, No persons under 10 (Language).
Drama, On the Art Circuit.

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Ian Douglas: The American / international distributors sliced 45 minutes off the original run time, which leaves me wondering what was cut - hopefully not most of the love affair. A poignant story about a really likable and talented man, with an ending that will haunt you. I enjoyed it, especially the music. The score won the Golden Globe.

Gerhard Munnik (33): Brilliant! Will make you think about the important things in life.

Niall Dawson (41): One of the best films I have seen.

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Meaningful commentary:

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