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All About My Mother

I think the rest of the movie should be about me... What starts out as a mother-and-son tale takes a sharp right in an entirely different direction, as Mom goes back to her roots to track down Daddy. In the process we get to examine the very Bohemian lifestyle of her friends and aquaintances, old and new; and explore some people who (IMHO) are extremely confused about their sexuality.
The film may appeal more to women and gays. The foreign critics seemed to rate this film in comparison with the director's earlier work, I had not seen those films and judged the film in isolation.
Spanish with English subtitles.

99 minutes, No persons under 13 (Language).
Comedy, Drama, Gay interest, On the Art Circuit.

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Ian Douglas: The film was more about slowly revealing all about his father rather than his mother. Overseas commentary has praised it as a brilliant exploration of all the female roles in today's society, I found the story rather silly. YMMV.

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