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At my command, unleash hell! The supreme commander of the Roman legions is picked by the dying emperor to succeed him. The emperor's son has other ideas, resulting in the general ending up as a slave, then a gladiator. The new emperor, keen to win favour with the Romans, declares six months of gladiator games, which gives our hero a chance to go to Rome and seek vengeance...

154 minutes, No persons under 16 (Violence).
Action, Drama, Male conflict & bonding, War.

Read the comments by Ian.
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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Dion Scher (26): I really enjoyed this movie. Not since Braveheart have we had a decent Epic and this one certainly does the job. Super action sequences and a gripping plot make this one of the top movies of the year so far.

Philip Cook (35): A moving film with great performances and stunning action. Russel Crowe is just brilliant and visually the fiilm just takes you breathe away.

Andre Swanepoel: A flash back to the shows of the 50's and 60's. Excellent subtle special effects (scenery, etc.) and a good alround show. Not for those afraid of blood and gore though.

Ian Woodrow: Most enjoyable. Has enough gore and intrigue to appeal to a wide audience. The more cerebral among us will be the first to carp, but there are fine performances from Crowe, Phoenix and even Reed. Definitely worth watching. Don't wait for the video - this is a big screen movie.

Robert Kinghost (23): I loved it...almost as good as brave heart!!

Jeremie Dupon (23): Excellent movie!!

Sharon Gov (27): Excellent, not what I expected at all.

Leon Treurnich (31): Gruesome! (literally). You can't help but like the good guy, and you certainly can't help to hate the bad guy - he even looks like someone who's face you want to bash into his skull... sorry, the movie does that to you. Unlike Braveheart you don't feel like storming out of the cinema at the end, but the feelings of eventual triumph are just as strongly left with you. Watch out for Russell Crowe - he was good in LA Confidential and is good here too.

Louis de Klerk (23): Provides some insight into the mind and character of ancient Rome, its politics and a good impression of ancient warfare. Russell Crowe delivers a solid, good performance. Brilliant Graphics and directing.

Nic (17): LADIATOR, I salute you. It's by miles, not by light years the best movie I've EVER experienced and it's still haunting me even after I went to see it for the 5th time today.

Walt Chu (26): Excellent story and somthing different.

Geert De Sutter (19): Too long!!

Aska Uota (19): This movie is the best I have seen and I believe that it's a movie with so much to say. I think Russell Crowe has proofed himself. As wel as J.Phonix. This is a movie I would watch over and over again. Very, very good!!!

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