Teen Patti

An equation that changed all other equations.

Teen Patti
This appears to be Bollywood's twist on ''21'', the film about the group of MIT students who beat the casinos at blackjack. In this case, Teen Patti is a poker game, but we have a similar setup: a smart mathematician recruits a bunch of students, teaches them the technique, and they set about making money. However greed soon steps in and things get ugly... In Hindi language with English subtitles, and English.

Drama, Thriller, Bollywood.
Pick a card, any card ...
Pick a card, any card ...


Amitabh Bachchan, Ben Kingsley, Madhavan, Dhruv Ganesh, Shraddha Kapoor
Leena Yadav
ScreenplayShivkumar Subramaniam, Leena Yadav, Ben Rekhi
MusicSalim Merchant
CinematographyAseem Bajaj
EditingHughes Winborne
Sound formatsDolby Digital, Sony Dynamic Digital Sound, DTS
Made in2010
Produced byHinduja Ventures, Serendipity Films

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