Cast |
Eugene Koekemoer, Wikus Nienhaber, Jaco Jordaan, Louis Koekemoer, Paul De Beer, Don Cobra |
Director |
Danie Barnard, Eugene Koekemoer |
Screenplay | Danie Barnard, Eugene Koekemoer |
Sound formats | |
Made in | 2013 |
Produced by | BakeMedia Loveless Entertainment, NU METRO |
Official Site
Scroll down for embedded trailer
Genre | Reality, documentary, comedy |
Language | Strong, frequent |
Nudity | Infrequent, no sexual context, moderate |
Sex | None |
Violence | Frequent, strong, deliberate, disturbing |
Prejudice | None |
Blasphemy | None |
Drug abuse | Mild alcohol and tobacco |
Comments | A very crude movie, senseless violence and the infliction of pain being the intention here, which is in the movie thought to be hilarious, but could encourage impressionable young minds to imitate these dangerous stunts. |
These details are supplied by the FPB. If you have a problem with any of the above, please take it up directly with the FPB. Read the Classification Guidelines. |