Cast |
Elani Dekker, Stiaan Smith, Sean Brebnor |
Director |
Rene van Rooyen |
Screenplay | Rene van Rooyen, from the novel by Dalene Matthee |
Music | Andries Smit |
Cinematography | Brendan Barnes |
Editing | Dries Scholtz |
Made in | 2019 |
Produced by | The Film Factory |
IMDB page
Scroll down for embedded trailer
Genre | Drama, romance |
Language | Low to mild, not demeaning or derogatory. |
Nudity | None |
Sex | None (sic) |
Violence | None |
Prejudice | None (sic) |
Blasphemy | None |
Drug abuse | None |
Comments | |
These details are supplied by the FPB. If you have a problem with any of the above, please take it up directly with the FPB. Read the Classification Guidelines. |