Newsletter and jokes 24 September 2021

Hi all 
A long week-end ... enjoy. But no rest for some of us :-) 
We have a mixed bag this week, covering all the age groups.  
First up, for the little ons, is the Boss Baby sequel, showing in both 2D 
and 3D.  
We have a new Afrikaans rom-com, Kaalgat Karel, which looks a bit raucous  
and will appeal to a certain demographic :-) 
Moving on to the adult fare, there are two choices. First up is another  
horror tale, The Night House, and then the female-friendly Queenpins. 
Bond is back next week Friday, but there are sneak peaks at three CineCentre 
venues next Thursday. See the previews page and book :-) 
New this week: 
* The Boss Baby: Family Business (3D) (PG V) 
* The Boss Baby: Family Business (PG V) 
* Kaalgat Karel 13 (LNS) 
* The Night House 16 (LVDH) 
* Queenpins (16 L)   
Forthcoming attractions  
Updated the pic and quote on the home page  
This Week's pinup (dark mode full HD wallpaper ...)  
List of all movies showing  
Same list sorted by Age Restriction  
Remember you can support the site by reading the ads... :-) 
Enjoy :-) 
Cheers, Ian 
The Four Seasons 
1) Lip Balm 
2) Antihistamine 
3) Sunscreen 
4) Easter eggs 
Right before I got my COVID-19 vaccine, the nurse went through a series of  
questions. One question made me pause: “Are you a painter?”  
I excitedly replied, “Why, yes! How did you know?” 
As the conversation continued, I realized she’d actually asked, 
“Are you a fainter?” 
Our nine-year-old conducted an experiment to prove the tooth fairy isn’t  
When he lost a tooth, he kept it under his pillow and told no one for three  
days. No money.  
Then, when he told us he lost his tooth, there was money under his pillow  
the following day.  
Eventually, he confronted us with his scientific evidence. 
My daughter wanted to show her grandparents how much she loved them, so she  
decided to carve “I love you” on the side of their car. 
My five-year-old daughter is convinced she has a superpower. 
The superpower is that she can smell ants. 
My five-year-old didn’t want to take a bath last night, so I told her the 
bathtub was filled with “special birthday water” and this was her only 
chance to experience it until her next birthday. 
I’ve never seen her get in the bathtub faster. 
A few weeks ago, I tried to bore my three-year-old to sleep by telling 
him everything I knew about nuclear and particle physics. 
Every night since then, however, as he’s falling asleep, his little 
voice pipes up: “Tell me about atoms again.” 
My little brother invited his entire class to his birthday party, except 
his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend.  
“She can’t come,” he told our mom. “I want security at the door.” 
He’s in kindergarten. 
My toddler is having a tantrum because, apparently, “the bath is too wet.” 
The difference between a child and an adult getting their hair cut is that  
a child will cry during it.  
The adult will wait until afterwards. 
The great thing about the pandemic is your kid can dress up as any  
profession for Halloween by throwing on leggings and a sweat-shirt and  
saying they’re working from home. 
The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper, and re-imagines the world. 
                                                    MALCOLM GLADWELL 

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