The Confession

The Confession After a warm family dinner, Harry Fertig (Ben Kingsley) and his wife, Sarah (Amy Irving) rush their young son, Stevie, who has fallen very ill, to the hospital. Stevie is neglected and dies in Harry's arms

Six weeks later, Fertig shoots the nurse, the clerk and the doctor from the emergency room and pleads guilty to murder.

Roy Bleakie (Alec Baldwin) a successful attorney is hired by Jack Renoble (Jay O. Sanders), Fertig's boss, to defend Fertig. Although sympathetic to Fertig's sense of honouring his young son's death, Renoble does not want Fertig to spend the rest of life in jail. Renoble is hoping that Bleakie will help Fertig change his mind from pleading guilty, to not guilty by reason of insanity, as this will aid Renoble's hidden agenda.

No Persons Under 10 No Persons Under 10 (Language)
112 minutes

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CastAlec Baldwin, Ben Kingsley
DirectorDavid Jones
Formats VHS
SA DistributorNu Metro

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