In the bustling metropolis of Champion City, real superhero-protector, Captain Amazing (Greg Kinnear) has been kidnapped. Mr Furious (Ben Stiller), The Blue Raja (Hank Azaria) and The Shoveler (William H. Macy) bulk up their own forces with more wannabe superheroes: The Spleen (Paul Reubens), the Bowler (Janeane Garofalo), Invisible Boy (Kel MItchell) and The Sphinx (Wes Studi) to vow to defeat the villain, Casanova Frankenstein (Geoffrey Rush).
With the help of eccentric inventor Doc Heller (Tom Waits), it's their best (and maybe their last) chance to prove themselves as legitimate crime fighters and save the day...
Parental Guidance
117 minutes
Press and viewer ratings, etc.
Cast | Hank Azaria, Claire Forlani, Janeane Garofalo, Eddie Izzard, Greg Kinnear, William H. MAcy, Kel Mitchell, Lena Olin, Paul Reubens, Geoffrey Rush, Ben Stiller, Wes Studi, Tom Waits |
Director | Kinka Usher |
Formats | |
SA Distributor | Ster-Kinekor Home Video |