Three Seasons

Three Seasons Set against a backdrop of panoramic splendour, ''THREE SEASONS'' weaves together three tales of the new Vietnam, each told from the point of view of people who suddenly found themselves to be foreigners in their own country and passed over by the ''improvement of western progress''.

THREE SEASONS is about East and West and people trying to find their place. The film gives us a different perspective, presenting the struggles, hopes and dreams of these people. This is the rediscovery of Vietnam, filled with exquisite lotus gardens on the one side and the downtown city lights on the other. It shows an enormously resilient, dynamic country undergoing changes, but forging a new identity quite different from that projected onto it by Westerners.

all All Ages
113 minutes

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CastDon Duong, Nguyen Ngoc Hiep, Tran Manh Cuong, Zoe Bui, Nguyen Huu Duoc, Harvey Keitel
DirectorTony Bui
Formats VHS
SA DistributorSter-Kinekor Home Video

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