After Alice

After Alice Detective Mickey Hayden (Kiefer Sutherland), is assigned by his boss to reopen a case that was his downfall ten years past.

Jabberwocky, an arrogant and enigmatic serial killer, has resurfaced with trademark bravado, pinning a note to the latest victim, challenging Hayden to hunt him again. As in the past, these gruesome notes and other souvenirs from the murders are sent by Jabberwocky to a metropolitan newspaper, for all the world to see. Now, it' s up to Hayden to follow the vindictive killer's trail before he becomes fair game.

13 No persons under 13 (Violence)
97 minutes


CastKiefer Sutherland, Henry Czerny, Polly Walker, Stephen Oumette, Ronn Sarosiak, Gary Hudson
DirectorPaul Marcus
Formats VHS
SA DistributorSter-Kinekor

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