
Clubland After twenty three years in the business Willie Walters (Alan Alda) is The New York talent agent, a small king in a world of wannabee's and neverwere's where everyone's a comedian, or thinks they are.

Okay, so maybe he's a little rough on the hopeless hopefuls looking for the big break, but with Willie, if he takes you on he's with you all the way, one hundred and ten per cent.

So how come all his real stars have disappeared like meatballs at a bar mitzvah? Something's wrong and getting his son Stuey (Steven Weber) on board hasn't helped. Sure, Stuey's got a real eye for talent but only the kind that comes in a skirt.

Maybe it's the ghost of a memory that's kept them apart for twenty years that's to blame, but father and son have to face up to some very unfunny truths before it's too late...

10 No persons under 10 (Language)
103 minutes


CastAlan Alda, Steven Weber, Brad Garrett
DirectorSaul Rubinek
Formats VHS
SA DistributorNu Metro

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