
Menace L.A. street hustler Brian Lovero (Johnny Green), a decent-seeming young man with an ex-cop for a father (David Proval), is actually a pitiless opportunist who finds himself between two ruthless factions — a gang of African American drug dealers and a contingent of Nazi supremacists.

Brian works with the dealers to move product and to get revenge for the killing of a family member by psychotic cop Ron Master (Jan-Michael Vincent), but his life is complicated by his sudden love for Amy (Alison Lohman), the clean-cut ex-girlfriend of the head Nazi skinhead (Jonathan Alvidsen). The two gangs are on a collision course, and Brian and Amy are caught in the middle.

16 No persons under 16 (Language, Violence)
92 minutes


CastJohnny Green, Allen Garfield, David Proval, Lysa Flores, Jonathan Avildsen, Paris, W.C., James Andronica, Alison Lohman, Jan-Michael Vincent
DirectorJohn Marino
Formats DVDVHS
SA DistributorNu Metro

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