
Retrograde Man's first attempt at time travel is conducted by a group of scientists intent on preventing a global biological disaster that will destroy Earth, as we know it. JOHN FOSTER, commander of the PARSIFAL, heads the mission and in his possession, a device that will squash this threat.

But two stowaways emerge from the ship's cryogenic hold and overtake the ship. Stolen device in hand, the two return to the 21st century, the present, looking to wreak havoc...

All that has transpired must be changed, and it's up to him as time is running out for everyone on Earth...

13 No persons under 13
89 minutes


CastDolph Lundgren, Silvia De Santis, Joe Montana, Gary Daniels, Ken Samuels, Joe Sagal
DirectorChristopher Kulikowski
Formats DVDVHS
SA DistributorNu Metro

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