Ice Princess

Ice Princess From Walt Disney Pictures, the studio that brought you The Princess Diaries, ICE PRINCESS is an hilarious and heartwarming coming-of-age comedy everyone will love!

Though she longs to become a graceful champion figure skater, gawky Casey Carlyle (Michelle Trachtenberg) is only a brainy misfit with a strong-willed mother (Joan Cusack) pushing her towards a top university. But when Casey uses her head and follows her heart, she'll find herself transformed beyond her wildest dreams! Also starring Kim Cattrall, ICE PRINCESS is an uplifting and laugh-packed story your family will flip for!

all All Ages
94 minutes

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CastJoan Cusack, Kim Cattrall, Michelle Trachtenberg, Hayden Panettiere, Trevor Blumas, Connie Ray
DirectorTim Fywell
Formats DVDVHS
SA DistributorNu Metro

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