The King

The King In this powerful and dramatic thriller about betrayal and bitter revenge, a handsome young US Marine called Elvis (BERNAL) returns to his Preacher father's sleepy hometown dreaming for some kind of reconciliation — having been abandoned by the man as a child.

Elvis walks through the world with an effortless charm, and seems to be the very embodiment of hope and enthusiasm. But now the Preacher (WILLIAM HURT) has a new family, and is in no mood to confront his past mistakes, so he callously rejects Elvis again — and this flippant act of cruelty sets off a course of action from which the Preacher and his family may never recover...

16 No persons under 16 (Sex, Violence)
99 minutes

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CastGael Garcia Bernal, William Hurt, Pell James, Laura Harring, Paul Dano
DirectorJames gael
Formats DVD
SA DistributorNu Metro

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