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Inspector Gadget

Cool badge, hey? A story based on a popular cartoon character. Inspector Gadget is a wild and quirky adventure comedy about a somewhat-naive security guard who is literally blown to pieces by the evil Dr. Claw. A scientist rebuilds him into a man of many talents and accessories. With the help of all of his new accessories he fulfills his dream of becoming the world's top detective.

78 minutes, All ages.
Action, Comedy.

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Ian Douglas: On the good side, this is a special-effect tour de force which should thrill the kiddies. Adults will recognise the plot as having been done too many times already, as well as all the ripoffs of other movies, and Shakespeare, nogal.

Jeandré Jonker: I was expecting more gadget.

Stan Immelman: Not bad for kiddies! Shallow story line,another 'jumping on the sci-fi bandwagon to sell with no storyline' movie!

Guinevere Vos: Special effects were good but I was expecting a much better storyline.

Andrew Simpson: Strictly for kids.

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