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Comments: An American Werewolf in Paris

Let me start by saying that I am not a fan of the horror genre. I prefer laughing to being frightened.

Luckily, this film only managed to give me two skriks, if I remember correctly.

The film attempts to combine humour and horror, as is now becoming common in the genre, and at times it is funny and at times it is a little scary. Problem is, the scary bits are all so clichéd that you see them coming with plenty of time to spare. And the jokes are seldom funny. They are more silly than funny.

And of course, we know that no matter how bad things appear, no real harm will come to our hero and heroine. And the baddies will all die in the end.

The tone of the film varies wildly from brightly lit Parisian scenes, to dark and danky cellars, sewers and crypts.

It is quite amazing how many French people speak English without any trace of a French accent.

We have the required bits of female nudity to ensure the film gets a suitably high rating, which will make the kiddies desperate to see it. They will probably enjoy it more than adults. And have nightmares.

The special effects were reasonably well done, with several scenes of people morphing into werewolfs, and back again.

I wonder how many times they did the "this will relax you" scene. The 'relaxing technique' consists of lying on your back while a young woman sits astride you. You then cup both her bare breasts in your hands. (This will relax you?)

All in all, this film is only likely to appeal to hard-core fans of the genre. Or kids, who will think all the gore and FX 'cool'.

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