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Comments: Gang Related

Commentary for this film has been very mixed, so I guess it is very much a matter of personal taste.

The story is about two cops, who hit on a nice scheme - they set up drug dealers, sell them drugs, and then kill them, keeping both the money and the drugs, and ridding the streets of vermin (as they see it).

This allowed one of them to build up some cash for a trip to Hawaii, while the other got even deeper into debt with his gambling habit.

Then one day, their victim turns out to be an undercover agent, who was on a major case.

This is the catalyst which sees their world unravel, as they desperately try to cover their tracks and frame a suitable candidate for the murder, which they get to investigate.

Eventually they pick a hobo, perpetually drunk, and persuade him that he actually committed the murder. The cop's girlfriend gets coerced into identifying the drunk in a line-up, and it looks like the cops are home clear, until a little problem arises:

The hobo was not always a hobo. And that brings in some high-powered legal people.

Suddenly, the girlfriend is a weak link in the story, and needs to be eliminated...

Along the way, their desperate manoeuvering to cover their tracks results in a killer going free.

The plot has several holes in it, and I found the two lead characters less than believable. The girlfriend is nice and gives a reasonable performance.

However the film suffers from silly dialogue and far-fetched situations, aided by the unbelievable actors, which ultimately means that the concept just doesn't work.

Action junkies and fans of the deceased rap star may appreciate it.

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