The Clearing

The Clearing Robert Redford leads an acclaimed all-star cast, including Willem Dafoe and Helen Mirren, in this thought-provoking thriller.

Wayne and Eileen Hayes (Redford, Mirren) appear to be living the American dream. All illusions are shattered when Wayne is kidnapped in broad daylight from the Hayes' peaceful estate. Suddenly the man who prided himself on being a cunning negotiator finds his fate resting in the hands of a kidnapper (Dafoe) who has nothing to lose and everything to gain. Will Wayne succeed in the most important negotiation ever... for his life?

10 No persons under 10
93 minutes

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Cast Robert Redford, Helen Mirren, Willem Dafoe, Alessandro Nivola, Matt Craven
DirectorPieter Jan Brugge
Formats DVDVHS
SA DistributorNu Metro

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