Someone Like You

Someone Like You Ashley Judd brings irresistible fun to this sassy romantic comedy about a young woman looking for Mr. Right... in all the wrong places!

Judd stars as Jane Goodale, a talk show talent scout whose shaky love life drives her into an intensive study of the curious mating habits of the male animal. From there, dizzyingly sexy complications ensue when her research transforms her into a revered love guru -- and lands her smack in-between hunky heartthrobs Hugh Jackman and Greg Kinnear.

pg Parental Guidance (Language)
93 minutes

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CastAshley Judd, Greg Kinnear, Hugh Jackman, Marisa Tomei, Ellen Barkin, Laura Regan, Catherine Dent, Peter Friedman
DirectorTony Goldwyn
Formats VHS
SA DistributorNu Metro

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